Monday, July 16, 2007

Some Reviews

Past few months have seen the release of new flicks, dubbed the "Summer of Three" for all the movies which have their third in a series debut. Yes, I've seen them all and no they're not all good. I'll just do a brief recap of the good, the bad, the ok and the yet to come. Bad news first!

Bad movie #1: Spiderman 3. Sad really to see so much hype be displayed for this flick and equally disappointing to see it gross so much money. This was one of the biggest upsets in recent memory of a movie. What happened Peter? Parker has gone through so many shifts of 'who am I?' it's a wonder his grandma knows who he is. Basically, good graphics, bad story, horrible acting, silly sequences and more the same cry baby Parker. Don't see it if you have seen and like the first two. Hopefully there are no others in the works.

Ok movie #1: Pirates @ World's End. Enjoyable but a bit long to watch in one sitting. I wished they would have had more of the Singapore story built up and more with the Asian pirates. It seemed rushed and incomplete. And more of the pirate ship city too! How cool was that? The artists did a real nice job though in this flick of displaying everything so life like, super impressive. Some dialogue could have been cut and shortened some scenes of Jack in the underworld. But hey, it's better than the second of the series for sure.

Ok movie #2: Harry & Order of the Phoenix. Saw this just last night actually. My friends and I watched all the previous movies last month(lol) just so we could watch this with some knowledge. It was worth it but this one lacks severely in the 'movement' department. So much dialogue with little substance and little progress of the plot. These sequences might be translated from the book directly(never read them) but it did seem a bit slow. If you're a Harry nut(haha) you should still see it!

Good movie #1: Die Hard 4. McClane is back, and at his age he still knows how to rock the screen. This one gives us a taste of everything, and comes close to matching the first Die Hard. Fast paced, witty humor(<----correct spelling you 'nadiens!), awesome action with sweet graphics makes this film a must see.

Good movie #2: Transformers. Wow, completely awesome. Everyone I've told about this movie starts off as, "It's not just a movie. It's more of a complete entertainment experience." This film will quench any thirst you have for awesome movie making. Michael Bay with his team completed a film which will be the favorite among favorites for so many people. Not only just males. Hearing and watching the reaction of the ladies out there was just the same: complete awesomeness. Don't miss this please. Go to the theater by yourself if you must(Carl!) and enjoy an entertainment experience which really is more than meets the eye.

Incoming films to lookout for. I'll just draw a few up from what I can remember. Rush Hour 3, The Bourne Ultimatum, I Am Legend, 10,000 BC, 1-18-08 and Sunshine.

Let me know what you all think. Can Transformers cap my favorite movie, The Last of the Mohicans? Hard to say....


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